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International news: keep abreast of events in the world

Every day there are a lot of events that happens in the world. Belarus is a country in the center of Europe, that has close relationships with foreign countries.

All breaking news from abroad you can find in the chapter «World» on the website of the TV channel «Belarus 24».

We do not assess the events that have occurred, we show only the facts. Our news is as objective as possible.

«Belarus 24»: we keep our finger on the pulse of world events

Watch our TV channel online and in live, and be informed about the latest news and events in the world. Be aware of what is happening in politics, economy, society, culture and sport. If you suddenly missed something - you can always get the information on our website or watch the TV program «The Main Air», that highlights the final events of the week.

TV channel «Belarus 24»: up-to-date information about the news from all over the world
