
The meeting began with a significant moment – the President was presented with the certificate of the Chairman of the All-Belarusian People's Congress. Belarus is on the eve of an important election campaign, presidential elections. They must take place no later than July 20, 2025. The exact date, according to legislation, will be determined by the House of Representatives. This conversation with the Chairman of the Central Election Commission was about some organizational moments of the upcoming campaign. The holding of presidential elections will be the final part of a large electoral cycle. It started after the national referendum in 2022 and amendments to the Constitution. The amended electoral legislation was implemented on Single Voting Day. Today adjustments are no longer required. But expanding the circle of international observers is quite possible. Now the Central Electoral Commission is actively working on legal education of citizens. A concept for digitalizing the electoral process has also been developed. However, this does not mean that presidential elections will be held in a new electronic format. It's more of a perspective. Security and ensuring electoral sovereignty are at the forefront.

