For period:


More than 82,000 people registered for testing, 9,800 less than last year Centralized testing, the most active part of university admission process, kicks off today in Belarus. The first exam which the applicants will pass is the Belarusian language. On Thursday a test of Russian will be held. In total, more than 82,000 applicants registered for the centralized testing, which is almost 10,000 less than in 2017. Specialists attribute this ...


... be held tomorrow. This year more than 82 thousand people registered for testing, 10 thousand people less than in the past year. This is due to the fact that the certificates of 2017 are still valid. As well as in the past year, it is possible to pass examinations in 4 subjects.


... admission rules come into force in Belarus. The procedure for organizing and conducting centralized academic testing has been amended. According to a governmental decree, now applicants will be able to take four tests instead of three. The optional exam is voluntary. University enrollment decision will be based on the results of three tests. The procedure for leaving the audience during the exam for objective reasons is also spelled out. Another innovation is that the test certificates term of validity ...
