For period:


Today President of Belarus meets with leadership of India The President of Belarus is on an official visit to India. The solemn welcoming ceremony of Alexander Lukashenko took place the day before in the presidential palace in New Delhi. Today, Alexander ...


Alexander Lukashenko is paying an official visit to India Today, Alexander Lukashenko is paying an official visit to India. The President will hold talks with his counterpart Ram Nath Kovind, as well as with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The discussion will focus on the development of cooperation in trade, economy, politics, science and technologies, as well as humanitarian sphere ...


President points out importance of organizing retail trade in rural areas and small towns Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko met with Chairman of the Board of OOO Tabak Invest Pavel Topuzidis to discuss the development of the retail store network ...


... of Council of Communist Parties of former USSR countries to be held in Belarus The whole spectrum of Belarusian-Russian relations, from the prospects of the Union State to cooperation in the agro-industrial complex, was discussed the day before by President Alexander Lukashenko and Chairman of the Communist Party in the State Duma of Russia Gennady Zyuganov. The conversation lasted more than two hours. On Sunday Moscow will host municipal elections. More than 1300 candidates will be represented ...


Responsibility area to include economy drive, fighting embezzlement and other unlawful practices The Belarusian-Russian army exercise Zapad 2017 is not meant to attack anyone. This was stated by Alexander Lukashenko at a meeting with heads of the country's law enforcement agencies and top army officers. It is planned that about 13,000 servicemen from Belarus and Russia, as well as almost 700 units of military equipment will be involved. The law enforcement bodies also actively participate in ensuring...


A.Lukashenko: Belarusian education should focus on needs of economy Belarusian education should focus on the needs of the economy. This was stated by President Alexander Lukashenko today during his visit to the Minsk State Automotive College. This is one of the oldest institutions of secondary special education in our country. Its 72-year history is closely connected with the development of the Minsk ...


... the Palace of Independence. The benchmark for our developers is Tesla. Alexander Lukashenko tested the latest model and highly appreciated its technical characteristics. He also noted that exactly this car should be the example for our developers. The president compared the test sample with the newly developed Belarusian electric car based on a Gelee model. According to Alexander Lukashenko, this car is still far from the level of Tesla. Therefore, there is still a lot of work ahead.


The President set a task to update Decree No.3 «On the prevention of social dependency» by October 1 Population increase is a priority for Belarus, President Alexander Lukashenko said as he listened to the report on the demographic situation and the promotion ...


Belarus President held a meeting on the harvesting campaign The harvesting campaign is gaining momentum. More than a million tons of grain has been harvested already. The yield increased to almost 34 centners per hectare. Belarus President held a teleconference ...


Alexander Lukashenko empowered heads of district administrations with wide authority during harvesting campaign The harvesting campaign should be completed by the 20-th of August. The President ordered this at a nation-wide video conference with all regions of the country. The governors reported on the progress of the campaign. Preservation of the crops is an important matter of food security. That is why, the talk was tough. For the ...
