For period:


Presidents of CIS countries to exchange views on further development of cooperation Informal CIS summit will be held today in Moscow. Participating in it will be President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. The meeting will sum up the results of the Russian ...


Decent salaries for good results of scientists’ work A revised version of the Ordinance «On preventing freeloading practices» will come into force by 1 January 2019. The document was discussed at the session held by Belarus’ President. The main focus is on employment incentives. The government will determine the criteria and list of services, the cost of which must be reimbursed in full by those who come within the provisions of the updated decree. New principles and approaches ...


Lukashenko: It is unacceptable to shift the problems of enterprises and banks to the state budget It is unacceptable to constantly shift the problems of enterprises and banks to the state budget. This was stated today by Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko. According to him, measures should be taken to improve the financial situation both at specific enterprises and in the economy in general. The head of state noted that the level of accumulated credit debt in some organizations ...


A.Lukashenko: results oriented initiatives and breakthrough ideas to always be supported by state In Belarus, the output of scientific, technical and innovative products has more than doubled in five years. This was stated by President Alexander Lukashenko at the Second Congress of Scientists. He touched upon the role of the Belarusian scientists, the integration of science and production. A lot of discussions were devoted to the difficulties of introducing developments. The ...


Minsk intends to significantly raise the level of economic interaction with Chisinau Minsk intends to significantly raise the level of economic interaction with Chisinau. This was discussed at the meeting of the President of Belarus with the Prime Minister of Moldova. The head of state said that Belarus is ready to bring cooperation to the level that existed in the times of the Soviet Union. The President stressed that both countries are interested in this. In ...


A.Lukashenko: Belarus should maximally use opportunities for development of digital economy Advancement of informational technologies has been examined at a Presidential sitting. The decision on creation of the so-called IT country in Belarus was taken in spring. Now, the experts have presented a draft decree, which envisages several items which are progressive for the Eastern Europe. Belarus may become one ...


Kamvol modernization cost amounted to $110 million Today President of Belarus visited largest textile manufacturing enterprise Kamvol. This year, Kamvol completed modernization and began to make a profit for the first time in several years. Now it will be able to compete not only in the Russian market, but ...


A.Lukashenko: Belarus has proved its ability to organize world-class events Belarus counts on deepening cooperation with Association of National Olympic Committees in all spheres. This was discussed at the meeting of the Belarusian leader with the President of this international organization. Alexander Lukashenko confirmed the consistent position that the Association of NOCs can play a more significant role in making decisions in the Olympic family. The President of Belarus and the President of ...


Creation of unified commodity distribution network in tobacco branch discussed in Belarus Issues of manufacture and sales of the tobacco products were discussed today at a Presidential sitting. The branch is developing actively in Belarus. The tobacco factories are big taxpayers. By the results of this year, the tobacco state revenue is expected to exceed 500 million dollars. Any changes in the branch should correspond ...


Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko held a meeting with Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Belarus Yergali Bulegenov President of Belarus to hold talks with head of Kazakhstan. Nursultan Nazarbayev will arrive in our country with a two-day official visit tomorrow....
