For period:


Presidential address to be shown live President A.Lukashenko is going to turn to the Belarusian nation and the National Assembly with the annual address on April, 24. Customarily, invited to the event are the country's highest ranking officials, members ...


Belarus and Moldova signed documents on development of cooperation in various spheres The official visit of the President of Belarus to Moldova is over. On his second day, Alexander Lukashenko and his Moldovan counterpart visited the Horticulture Institute, where the Head of the Belarusian State was informed about the activities of the scientific institution. Particular ...


Joint production of elevators and buses are among promising joint projects Belarus and Moldova need to develop joint ventures more actively and create new production facilities. Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said this today at the meeting with Moldovan Prime Minister Pavel Filip. The head of state is convinced that the two countries need to look for new cooperation directions. Joint production of elevators and buses are among ...


The visit of the President of Belarus to Moldova continues The visit of the President of Belarus to Moldova continues. Today, the heads of state took part in the Field day ceremony timed to the start of the sowing campaign. Alexander Lukashenko and Igor Dodon visited ...


The official visit of Alexander Lukashenko to Moldova continues The official visit of Alexander Lukashenko to Moldova continues. The day before in Chisinau, the President met with his colleague Igor Dodon. The heads of state discussed a range of issues related to the development of bilateral cooperation, interaction in integration formats, including within the Eurasian Economic Union and the CIS. Today the head ...


The Heads of State held negotiations Alexander Lukashenko is on an official visit to Moldova. The Heads of State held negotiations. Nothing stands in the way of the vigorous advancement of Belarus-Moldova cooperation, believes Alexander Lukashenko. The Belarusian side is ready not only to trade, but also to create joint ventures to produce the goods that Moldova needs. In turn, Moldova is interested in borrowing Belarus’ best practices in agriculture, industry and social sphere. The countries intend...


Lukashenko: Nothing stands in the way of Belarus-Moldova cooperation Nothing stands in the way of the vigorous advancement of Belarus-Moldova cooperation. Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko made the statement as he met with Moldova President Igor Dodon in Chisinau. The negotiations were preceded by an official welcome ceremony for the Belarusian head of state in front of the state residence of the Moldovan ...


High-level talks, as well as Belarusian-Moldovan forum to be held in Chisinau Today, the official visit of the President of Belarus to Moldova begins. In Chisinau, Alexander Lukashenko will meet with his Moldovan counterpart Igor Dodon and Prime Minister of Moldova Pavel Filipp. The heads of state will consider the development of the Belarusian-Moldovan cooperation ...


Belarus Yaroslavl Region industrial cooperation is mutually beneficial Belarus President met with Governor of Yaroslavl Region of Russia in Minsk to discuss new projects. In particular, Belarus is prepared to participate in infrastructure projects and government programs in Yaroslavl Region. According to President Alexander Lukashenko,...


Ilham Aliyev invites Alexander Lukashenko to visit Azerbaijan Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko had a telephone conversation with Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev. The head of state congratulated the Azerbaijani leader on a convincing presidential election victory. The presidents discussed the agenda of bilateral ...
