
Today graduates are having a centralized examination in one of the core subjects, while exams in Russian or Belarusian language are scheduled for on May 30. It is planned that almost 56 thousand school leavers will take the exams. Centralized testing will also begin at the same time, on May 27 and 30, as well as June 3 and 6. Reserve days are June 19, 21 and 23. This year almost 55 thousand applicants have registered for the centralized testing. The most popular subjects are English, physics and mathematics. There are 40 testing points at educational institutions in major district, regional capitals and in the national capital. In Minsk, applicants will be taking the centralized testing at 12 universities. Final exams for 9th grades will be held from June 3 to 10. The graduates will take exams in Belarusian, Russian, math and history of Belarus.

