
Every kid in Belarus matters, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he attended the New Year Eve's children's charity event held as part of the country's charity campaign Our Children in the Palace of the Republic In total, more than 2,300 children have been invited to the New Year Eve's charity event at the Palace of the Republic. They included excellent students and winners of various Olympiads and creative contests, students who have done a lot of social work, orphans, children from large families, disabled children, children from the families of military and law enforcement officers, whose fathers died in the line of duty, as well as children from Donbass, children from Latvia and Primorye Territory, who are on recuperation holidays in Belarus. Children who were recently evacuated to Belarus from Palestine were also invited to attend the event. Aleksandr Lukashenko thanked educators, tutors, teachers and parents. The president also gave special thanks to those who organize events of the charity campaign Our Children.

