
The President of Belarus met with the Ambassador of Tajikistan at the Palace of Independence. Diplomatic relations between the countries were established 28 years ago. All this time, the parties maintain relations in the political field; working meetings of heads of state are regularly held as part of integration and economic events. But the sides need to step up the work in this area. Trade turnover amounted to $67 million in January-November 2023. Belarus supplies Tajikistan with petroleum products, timber, stationery, and large machines, such as tractors, truck tractors (some are assembled in the Gissar region of Tajikistan). There is also an assembly unit of Belarusian elevators made in Mogilev. According to the ambassador, Belarus is one of Tajikistan’s priority partners. The countries are discussing the development of cooperation in all areas. To intensify relations, the diplomat suggests creating a multifunctional shopping complex in Minsk. It will serve as a coordinating center for representatives of both countries.

