The Soyuz MS-24 crew is ready for landing, in good medical and psychological condition


The staff on Earth are preparing to welcome Marina Vasilevskaya, crew commander Oleg Novitsky, and NASA astronaut in the Kazakh steppe on April 6. A working briefing was held in Karaganda. Pilots, rescuers, doctors, and meteorologists reported on the situation and the readiness of the services. In order to detect the device in a timely manner and ensure the safety of the crew, specialists will be on duty in the areas of the populated areas of Zhezkazgan and Arkalyk. Good weather is predicted for Saturday in Kazakhstan. However, there are nuances: there have recently been severe floods here. However, the crew is ready – landing on water was practiced before the flight. The undocking of the spacecraft with Marina Vasilevskaya on board from the ISS is scheduled for early Saturday morning at 6:52. Landing is expected to take place at 10:18.