On the air - "Intellect.by"!


In the year of science on the international satellite television channel "Belarus 24" is released a new popular science project on the achievements of Belarusian scientists.
Digital technologies and unique developments, the success of Belarusian medical scientists and IT projects, space discoveries, inventions of our compatriots and brilliant examples of the implementation of scientific projects.
The time when science is ahead of imagination - has already come. All of us enjoy the advances made in science and technology but as the creators of the project have noticed not many people today would like to volunteer in an experiment and wouldn’t want to be at the very heart of the scientific world! The program "Intellect.by" - took a chance.
TV viewers will visit the museum of computer equipment, where they can see one-ton computers; can get a closer look at such Belarusian IT phenomenon as World of Tanks; can find out about the importance of the Belarusian office Viber in the fate of each of the 800 million application users; can visit innovation laboratories and see how the system to protect the Earth from asteroids looks like.
However, this is only the beginning! The new project "Intellect.BY".
Watch it on Sundays at 17:45 on the TV channel "Belarus 24".