On the map: Lake Naroch

Lake Naroch is a small miracle of the world for Belarusians. Due to its size – almost 80km² ­– it is called the “Belarusian Sea”. Naroch has a place on the list of the cleanest lakes in Belarus and attracts many tourists with its inimitable beauty.

The reservoir was formed several millennia ago by a melting glacier. Over time, the water level in the submerged area began to decrease, and as a result, the lakes on this territory were formed.

Legend says that the lake was named after a beautiful girl Nara with an enchanting voice. According to this legend, she was met by a Pan (Pan (title) is a feudal lord, property owner, lord in feudal Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belarus and Ukraine; literally means “lord”) who wanted to take her as his wife and was firmly rejected, because Nara already had a bridegroom. The Pan told his servants to kill the young man and take Nara to his house. The command was carried out, but the girl could not live near the awful Pan who had killed her lover. She burned down her captor's house and ran away. The servants caught up with Nara near the lake, where the Pan met her. Nevertheless, the beautiful woman refused to return to her captivity and opted to drown herself in the lake. That is how the lake got its name, after the unhappy bride.

The lake is located in the Myadel region and is the centerpiece of the Narochansky National Park. The reservoir occupies one of the first places among Belarusian lakes in terms of water transparency and purity. The water clarity allows seeing up to 5-7 meters deep in summer and up to 10 meters deep in winter. The water in the Naroch is rich in oxygen and full of minerals.

There are twenty-five species of fish in the lake. For example, there are pike and river eel, which are included in the Red Book of Belarus (The Red Book of the Republic of Belarus is an annotated list of rare and endangered species of flora and fauna in Belarus). A variety of rare waterfowl is also found in the lake. Among them are mute swan, terns and ospreys, little grebes.

Naroch is a real boon for holidaymakers. On its shores are located both sanatoriums and health resorts (for example, sanatorium “Naroch”, “Sosny”, “Priozyorny”) and farmsteads. Everyone can find a pleasant holiday on the shores of this wonderful lake.