For period:


Over 180 buses to transport participants of European Games in Minsk More than 180 luxury buses will transport participants of the European Games in Minsk. The corresponding agreement was signed by the heads of the Directorate of the Second European Games and the "Minsktrans" enterprise. For such buses,...


Belarus to host ASE Planetary Congress in September 2018 Nine cosmonauts from China, the United States, Germany, Russia and France have arrived in Minsk to discuss the preparations for the Planetary Congress of the Association of Space Explorers, which is scheduled to take place in Belarus in September 2018. Among the invitees are about 350 people, including 150 cosmonauts. The program of the congress ...


Tajikistan to host Days of Belarus Culture The ancient holiday Nowruz was celebrated in Minsk. It symbolizes the end of winter and the beginning of the New Year. The ceremony was organized by the Embassy of Tajikistan. By the way, relations between Minsk and Dushanbe are developing positively and are based on political, economic, scientific ...


The event is attended by researchers from Russia, Germany, Ukraine and Poland Minsk hosts a three-day international symposium, which deals with preservation of memory of the victims among civilians during the World War II. The event is attended by researchers from Russia, Germany, Ukraine and Poland. During the forum, scientists ...


Over 100 digital pictures displayed on 250 screens World-famous paintings of the Impressionists have come alive in Minsk. More than a hundred pictures of eminent artists transferred to digital format are displayed on 250 screens. Now paintings by Renoir or Degas can be viewed in high definition. Experts from Lithuania and Great Britain worked on the art project using ...


Free calisthenics – among most medal-winning sports in Belarus The Palace of gymnastics has been solemnly opened in Minsk. The ceremony was attended by President of Belarus, as well as head of the European union of gymnastics and famous athletes. The new facility is worth the money spent to its construction. President Lukashenko noted this after having scrutinized ...


Palace to be used for training sessions ahead of and during 2nd European Games in Minsk The Palace of Rhythmic Gymnastics is inaugurated today in Minsk. The decision to build the venue was made by the President. Active work began here in October 2016. The complex for rhythmic gymnastics, which includes halls for initial training,...


More than 30 thousand people visit Book Fair in Minsk One of the largest professional book fairs in the post-Soviet space has completed its work. For the 25th time Minsk became the center of acquaintances and exchange of experience of the largest publishers, writers, and critics from 32 countries....


Expo to highlight presentation of Encyclopedia of China published in Belarusian Minsk is hosting the 25 th International Book Fair. The forum highlights the themes of the Year of Native Land and the international cooperation of Belarusian writers with authors from different countries. The book fair is featuring 360 exhibitors from ...


National platform of doing business in Belarus 2018 high on agenda The Week of entrepreneurship continues in Belarus. One of its key events will take place today, i.e. the Assembly of business circles. The forum will be held in a new format focusing on discussions rather than reports. The program includes two panel discussions on the business climate and digitalization of the economy, as well as a number of round tables. Traditionally, the national platform of doing business in Belarus for this...
