
The Belarusian economy is exhibiting recovery trends. This is evidenced by the performance over the past year and the start of the current year. The GDP growth rate is 103.9% and this dynamics is being maintained. The situation was analyzed at the final board meeting at the Ministry of Economy. As it was noted, the drivers of growth were industry, construction and trade. Among the main goals achieved last year is the outstripping growth of household incomes. Real wages increased by 11%. Inflation stood at 5.8%, much lower than the forecast. Reorganization of foreign trade and a large-scale investment program allowed achieving the declared growth rates, the Minister of Economy noted. Last year, export support tools were expanded and expenditures for these purposes were increased by 20%. Mechanisms were developed to increase financing for the construction of infrastructure facilities and rental housing. A mechanism of preferential lending for the purchase of domestic consumer goods by the population was launched. The law "On Investments" was updated to increase the investment potential of the country.

